Know More. Less Risk..
The Instant Inquiry 3.0 – Your Complete Resident Screening Solution!
Our resident screening expertise of more than 45 years assures you of complete resident screening from beginning to end.
Our Screening = Better Residents
Rental Research Services is the most dedicated resident screening company in the nation, providing the highest level of data security, state-of-the-art technology, and unmatched industry experience and professionalism. We offer the nation’s most advanced online resident screening solution, the Instant Inquiry 3.0.
Our Experience = Better Trust
Established in 1969, Rental Research is one of the most experienced resident screening companies in the nation, which means that you can trust us. We want our customers to have trust in us when it comes to background checks. You can trust in our Instant Inquiry to deliver the best resident.
Our Price = Better Profits
The old adage that time equals money is true, which is why you need to take advantage of our resident screening solution. Our resident screening solution can save both time and money for you. Let our Instant Inquiry obtain the best resident for you in the shortest time possible, so that you and your staff can focus on your two most important assets — your property and your residents.screening solution — the Instant Inquiry 3.0.